Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holiday outfits...

Hello everyone,
I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving and right around the corner is Christmas.On that note let me share with you these fabulous outfits for the holidays.

these outfits are great for the holiday but also you can dress them down with a white ,rose gold  or a gray blazer.If you want to make it even more casual change the shoes and handbag to a daytime look.
I hope these were inspirational.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hi everyone,

Its actual feeling like November in NY .Finally..For those who know me they know I Love the cold

weather and the Holidays that go with it.On today post I wanted to show you some of my favorite

outfits and accessories.In this grouping you have some casual wear.A little for everyone.On the next post. Business and nighttime wear.

All of these pieces are interchangeable and you can add them to the rest of your wardrobe.Enjoy

playing dress up and use your imagination to make each piece  to fit your style.