Friday, June 7, 2013

Introduction video.Thank you friends for your support❤💋

Hello everyone ,
Today I'am so excited to share with you my  you tube Introduction video.If you been following my blog you guys know that I have a you tube channel. On this channel I share beauty products,outfit of the day,shopping hauls and home organization / home decor.Basically a little bit of everything.Please follow me over to YouTube and be part of my journey and met all the rest of my friends .Till the next post loves.
           Stay fabulous❤Liz

Edgy but classIc

It's like a Kaleidoscope of memories; It just all comes back..
Hi everyone,
Today I want to share this out fit with you .This outfit is perfect when you want to be a little edgy without breaking out the black gothic make up.This outfit can be worn with a leather jacket and combat boots or you can wear a blazer and some Oxford shoes.I would wear it with a white blazer , black tights and black leather boots.How would you wear this outfit and what would you accessorize it with? Till the next post ❤